Acceptable Print Policy

At, we are committed to delivering high-quality prints that meet your expectations. To ensure that we can produce your materials to the highest standards, we have established the following guidelines that must be adhered to for all submitted print files.

File Format and Resolution

  • We only accept files in the following formats: PDF, JPEG, TIFF, and EPS.
  • Files must have a minimum resolution of 300 DPI to ensure clear, high-quality prints.
  • All designs must be submitted in CMYK color mode to ensure accurate color reproduction.

Print Content Restrictions

We do not accept any print orders that include content that is:

  • Offensive, defamatory, or inappropriate.
  • Inciting violence, hatred, or discrimination against any group or individual.
  • Violating intellectual property rights, including unauthorized use of copyrighted material.
  • Depicting illegal activities, obscenity, or materials not permissible by Singapore law.

If we receive files that contain any of the above prohibited content, we reserve the right to reject the print job without refund.

Design Guidelines

  • Please ensure that all fonts are outlined or embedded in the file to avoid font substitution issues.
  • A 3mm bleed is required for all designs to ensure that there are no unintended white borders after trimming.
  • Margins: Ensure that no important design elements (text, logos, etc.) are placed within 5mm of the edge to avoid them being trimmed.

Color and Print Output

We do our best to match colors as closely as possible to your design. However, slight variations in color may occur due to different monitors and print processes. cannot guarantee exact color matching for non-Pantone or uncalibrated files.


It is the responsibility of the customer to carefully check all files before submission. While we do offer digital proofs for review, customers are required to ensure that all content is correct, including spelling, layout, and design. Any errors found after printing will not be eligible for reprints or refunds unless it was an error on our part.

Changes to Print Orders

Once an order has been submitted and sent to production, changes cannot be made to the file or specifications. If you notice an issue with your file, please contact us immediately before production starts, and we will do our best to assist you.

Quality Assurance

We strive for excellence in every print job, and we carefully check every order for quality. However, it’s important that customers follow these submission guidelines to avoid delays or errors in the final product.

If you have any questions about our Acceptable Print Policy or need assistance with file preparation, please contact our support team at